Are Cannabis and Marijuana the same?

Cannabis and marijuana are essentially the same things, but the terms are often used differently. Cannabis is a plant that belongs to the Cannabaceae family and includes different varieties, such as Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica. Marijuana is a term used to refer to the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds of the cannabis plant that are typically used for recreational or medicinal purposes.

The term “marijuana” has a complex history and is often associated with the criminalization of cannabis in the United States. In the early 20th century, the term was used by government officials and the media to associate the use of cannabis with Mexican immigrants, and it became increasingly stigmatized. Today, the term is still used to refer to plant material, but some people prefer to use the term cannabis to avoid the negative connotations associated with the word “marijuana.”

In summary, cannabis and marijuana refer to the same plant, but “marijuana” is often used in a cultural and political context to refer to the use of the plant for recreational or medicinal purposes.

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